oday is election day in California and elsewhere. The day dawned cool, clear; frankly California perfect. There are few contentious races to attract the voters.. so, in all likelihood, the turnout will be sadly reflective of a lack of interest in the races. In the City of Los Angeles we'll be electing a mayor, city controller, city attorney and half the school board and community college trustees . And a city councilman for the 5th district. There are measures to consider. We are called upon to go to the polls frequently and, sadly, unless there is real controversy over a candidate or issue, we turn out in diminishing numbers. I hope I'm wrong but by the time the polls close this evening the overall turnout is likely to only just make it to double didgets in percentage of voters.
I'm voting for Antonio Villaraigosa for another four years as L.A.'s mayor.
Wendy Greuel will make an excellent successor to Laura Chick as City Controller. And my vote for City Attorney goes to Carmen Trutanich.
Let's tackle some of the issues that impact on us all in our upcoming journal, whether the day finds you shoveling snow or appreciating California's perfect weather.