irst something sounding a little incongruous, or maybe I should just get over it and accept the reality of the times in which we live. Alana and I borrowed two of our grandchildren for the afternoon and took them, excitedly, to The American Girl Place at The Grove in Los Angeles. it's a place to pamper the children, from new dolls to clothing, from doll's hairdos to breakfast,lunch or dinner. It was fun. The American Girl Place where absolutely everything I looked at was "Made in China"! They appear to be most successful, and I would assume, profitable, couldn't any of their items be supportive of American industry?

he incoming Secretary of State flew through the confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in what, overall, was a bipartisan love-fest. The nominee was extolled as "The epitome of a big leaguer" and those were the words of the Senior Republican on the committee, Indiana's Sen. Richard Lugar. In praising the New York junior senator Chairman John Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat, said she was "Extraordinarily capable and smart, with the global stature and influence to help shape events."

resident Bush has said that he hasn't figured out how he will write his book - the story of his 8 years in the Oval Office. As he has said "you cannot possibly describe what it feels like to walk in the Oval Office after having been inaugurated president." As critical as I have been over these years, he has much to tell which I look forward to reading. I would enjoy learning from the man, just how his relationship with the Vice President, Dick Cheney, worked. It was wonderful to see the gathering of former Presidents, together with the President-Elect, gathered at the White House. As W put it. "two world war 2 era guys, two Baby Boomers and a new generation." The outgoing President seems relaxed and reflective. Now's the time I would relish the opportunity to interview him.

"Mission Accomplished"?

"A modest foreign policy"?

"A uniter not a divider"?

"Shock and awe"?

And the list could go on and on.
I shall miss the David Letterman show where, almost nightly, they play clips of the confused and confusing statements of the Chief Executive.
Or are we simply "misunderestimating" his achievements - and what are they?

eynesian economics is now being widely revisited with the belief that John Maynard Keyes might provide the key to saving the world from a new great depression. Stephen Keyes, nephew of the late, world renowned economist, was recently quoted as saying that his uncle would approve of the economic policies being pursued by the US President-elect, describing them as "very clearly Keynesian". So here they come, some rather rusty tools of yesteryear. Keynesian tools: larger budget deficits, tax cuts, accelerated spending programs and other economic stimuli - brought back, worldwide, to cut off the slide into depression.

warning and notice from our next President; if Washington doesn't act, this recession could "linger for years" 4 Million people could be thrown out of work this year. For years to come trillion dollar deficits are likely. As he put it, "America could lose a generation of potential and promise."
Sir, I hope, that faced with the reality of what needs to be accomplished do you still believe the campaign slogan "Yes, we can".
I hope so and most respectfully wish you well.