here's a just published book titled "Know Your Power: a Message to America's daughters", written by Nancy Pelosi, who is, of course, the highest ranking elected woman in American history and the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives. A woman of vast political experience and abounding energy, she is also the mother of five children and the grandmother of seven . She divides the bulk of her time between Washington DC and San Francisco.

On Saturday evening she will be detouring for a few hours to visit in Los Angeles. She'll be appearing at the Century Plaza Hotel in conjunction with her book publication. The event was going to be at the home of the Chairman of the William Morris agency, but it appears the demand for seats has far surpassed the capacity of the opulent surroundings of Norman Brokaw's Home. A couple of days ago I received a call asking if I would be available to moderate what looks like being a dynamic discussion. The answer was an immediate "yes" - for two basic reasons. Paramount is the fact that after the president and vice president, the Speaker is the next in line for the presidency. She knows and understands the issues and will most likely be willing to address the topics.The other reason is simply that she is a fine person, much admired and respected, she has quite a message to share.That will be the focus of our on-stage conversation, but, again, to I feel sure we'll be able to explore some of the issues that are of major concern to the country in these troubled times. I'll report back on the event, right here.
Speaking of outstanding women, one of her favorite messages was written on stationery headed with an Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "The future belongs to those who believe in the future of their dreams"
The problems faced by this country ,and most of the world, are daunting to say the least. The Speaker is convinced that this a "wonderful and exhilarating time to be a woman in America".
If you'd like to know more about the event, and if there is still room available, the phone number to call is (310) 765-6252. I really am honored for the opportunity.
After the event I shall certainly write of my reaction to what she has to say about wars, politics,the incoming and outgoing presidents , the economy, ongoing wars,the painful economic situation in the country, healthcare (as the late Yul Brynner would say) "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera".