e were up partying until the wee hours of the morning. I am not sure what qualifies as a "wee" hour, but yesterday's gathering was a joyful occasion and we stayed around with many of our friends, until I began to wonder what time Wednesday's first appointment was scheduled for. It has been a long while since a significant political event made such a positive and exciting impact on the Jackson family. I hope that it was the overture to the next few years of growth and change in our country.
Barak Obama made a most positive impact and presented a memorable speech. Now, once again, I have a feeling that we have the right person for the impossible job of being the chief executive of this phenomenal country.

What an overture.
The challenger, Sen.McCain, was at his best. Somehow I think President Obama and Sen.McCain will work well together, in the future.
I would like to have heard some comments praising Sen.Hillary Clinton, but there will be ample time for that in the future.
Not a single mention was made of the Bush administration, and no wonder. The incumbent can start to prepare for a life of luxury in oil, dad's enterprises, sponsored speeches, and approving plans for the presidential library.
I know what an "upper" last night must have been, I made it to a recording session on time... quite early, in fairly resonant voice!

Congratulations America