o I returned from cruising in Alaska only to read in the Los Angeles Times that my contract was not being renewed by radio station 1260, KGIL and am540. A pity and a surprise. My wife, Alana's, first reaction was timely, appropriate and sagged. She said "Get an Obama sticker". That made sense, because I surely needed to remove the year old sticker which proclaimed for all to see, who were driving behind me, that I was back on the air. They take a heck of a lot of scraping to remove. So now we will have Barack's sticker covering over my outdated one. I display it proudly.
And then, two days ago, I came down with influenza. I'd gone to see my family doctor for a 'flu shot, to which he replied, don't you think it is a little late for that; you have the 'flu?
Your letters of support and your calls to the station have been enormously encouraging. Remember it's "their" station, family owned, and if they wish to program it with syndicated, mostly far right wing talk shows, bless them and good luck.
I hope to bounce back soon and when and where that happens, I'll shout it aloud. But, I really am missing Governor Palin, President Bush, Sen. John McCain and all the Wall Street stories we could be discussing together.
As soon as this aching bug leaves my body (I'll give it a couple of days at most!), I'll be pounding out my thoughts on the web.
Just a simple thought to chew on. the GOP's evangelical base rejoiced when the Alaska governor joined the McCain ticket. But how can the theological vision that women are subservient to men mesh with a Palin vice presidency? On the positive side, I hope that Sarah Palin will flourish in her new role, and may she open many new doors for evangelical women in America.