my website, so I suppose I can post anything I like on it. The following
is entirely self-serving, and probably thoroughly dull to all but my
family and friends. Simply stated, at 7.20 pm last evening, with a full
moon peering through a partly cloudy sky, at Cedars hospital in Los
Angeles, our daughter-in-law, Heidi, and our oldest son Alan became
parents, again. Amelia (Mia for short) arrived weighing 9 lbs. 6 ounces.
We make 'em big...and pretty!
remember when Alan was born, fathers were not even permitted in the
room when the child entered this world. Now, Alana and I were there
with them and even watched Alan cut the umbilical. Today she will meet
her two sisters.
was a light drizzle early this morning when I went out to harvest my
scattered newspapers.
coffee and then read them thoroughly and rapidly ,so that I can get
to the maternity floor.
don't remember anything I read! Nothing. I'm sure I read about the falling
dollar and the likelihood of a postponement of the proposed election
date in Iraq and the unrest in the Ukraine about the rigged election.
I know there were stories involving the insurgents in Faluja and elsewhere,
but it all seems so distant - just for today. I shan't tell "Mia",
yet, about the election results that so disappointed her parents and
grandparents, or even the price of gasoline; that can wait until she
gets home tomorrow.
is for her.
God, she was born healthy and into a loving family.