November 12, 2004

Reaping Their Rewards

Switching Gears

Election Hangover

In the Groove


Clash of Titans


Change Horses or Drown!

The Big Question

A Few Random Comments

"W" is for War

3 Zip

Helpful Hints

A Brush with Bush


I began the morning by attempting to make contact with the Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Rev. Pat Robertson . From time to time over the years I've enjoyed the challenge of conducting agreeably disagreeable conversations with the two exceedingly conservative evangelical teachers, preachers and broadcast personalities. They are, for the uninitiated, exceedingly successful Christian leaders with a vast following. They have every right to be most proud of their passionate support for their presidential candidate - they provided a considerable amount of the energy, enthusiasm and manpower for President Bush's re-election. They won and it would be understandable and expected that they would reap vast benefits for their support.

What will they get? What will they have in the way of influence on the second term president? Very possibly, not as much as they would have anticipated, but time will tell. It doesn't take too long before the chief executive is in his fifth year in office and looming ahead is a lame duck who could, initially, utilize his mandate and make some significant changes in his cabinet and policies...and who might try to bring more harmony to a divided country. Will it be more of the same or more enlightened leadership? I hope the latter. That may well be the case, because already there are several prominent Republicans who are wishing to be the next GOP presidential candidate and they may well support abortion rights and gun control and a complete separation of Church and State. Karl Rove, the amazingly successful oval office chief political strategist, told reporters a couple of days ago that he believed evangelicals certainly deserved much of the credit for Bush's reelection, and that future candidates should heed the lessons of the 2004 election when it comes to voters' opposition to same-sex marriage. Already though Mr.Bush's most recent remarks on same-sex marriage have infuriated some of the Christian conservative leaders. In an ABC interview, the President said, "I don't think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that's what a state chooses to do." We are living in interesting times...I know, it's an old Chinese expression which, I am told, is actually a curse; "may you live in interesting times."
So, if Fallwell and Robertson don't respond to my telephone calls (and I sincerely hope they do), then how about my calling the Rev.Louis P. Sheldon, the chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition or Bob Jones 111, the president of Bob Jones University in South Carolina, who quite recently urged the president to purge moderates from the White House? He was quoted in the Times as saying, for Mr.Bush's ears, "If you have weaklings around you who do not share your biblical values, shed yourself of them." He added, hardly with love and understanding in mind, "You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ." That is ignorant claptrap.
It is going to be a bumpy ride!

Grabbing Every Penny

ust as I was pulling into the gas station I heard a report on KNX that the price of oil was on the way down; a two dollar a barrel drop in the past two days. It appears that we might see a return to $40 a barrel rather than a stratospheric climb back to the over $50 a barrel of the very recent past. And you know what? I paid more to fill the tank than I did last week. Don't tell me that the major oil companies haven't had time to drop the price to reflect their lowered costs, because they always manage to raise the price with speed and alacrity ,as the cost of crude goes higher.
And while I'm at it, how is it that every single gas station, whatever else they show in the way of different prices at the pump, all manage to charge nine-tenths of a penny at the end of their price listing. There is no such coin of the realm...there is no such coinage as 9/10s of a penny.
I don't believe that their tanks are accurate to within one tenth of a penny, and if they are, have you ever heard of anyone, at any time, anywhere, receiving change that accurately reflected the fractional cost?
No, nor have I.
When I have challenged oil executives over the years I have received nothing more than either a laugh and shrug of the shoulders or, the usual response, "it's like a department store charging $1.99 instead of $2.00; it sounds cheaper." That's a phony response because the department store will give you the penny back.

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