the morning after Halloween. hristmas
trees when Yuletide has passed. olitical
bumper stickers and placards the morning after the concession speech is
made and the winner anointed for another four years. In
the case of the Kerry/Edwards call for our votes, they are useless once
the impassioned electorate had passed its judgment on the controversial
presidency. Huge numbers of voters braved and tolerated long lines at
polling stations and certainly bucked the contemporary trend of increasing
political apathy. The
outcome of the presidential election will be analyzed ad nauseum and the
reasons for the Bush victory are probably several, but one that strikes
me as most significant is simply that we are at war and when this nation
is in crisis or warfare, voters are usually most reluctant to say they
will oppose a sitting president. It becomes a slur on our patriotism.
What the Democrats had hoped was that the determinate of the outcome of
these elections would be based on his record. His record domestically
and in foreign affairs has been mediocre at best. In the end, unless something
changes dramatically, the going will be tough for Mr.Bush as nearly half
the nation is opposed to the outcome of the election. The US is split
between the Blue and the Red camps. For all our sakes, I hope that this
time our president seeks to heal and reconcile....dare one say to be "a
uniter not a divider". Taxes,
the economy, the Supreme Court, the war in Iraq, terrorism and an endless
list of most important issues await him and we need action. The environment,
healthcare, international relations, illegal immigration, social security
and so much more. Good luck Mr.President and congratulations. Some
of my friends and acquaintances who voted for the Bush/Cheney ticket may
appear to be a bit smug today. Their candidate has a large enough majority
in the House and Senate to do a great deal. It would appear that in these
four years he will re-shape the Supreme Court to his liking (and, I suppose,
theirs). If Kerry had won I too would have been somewhat smug and intolerable
too...but that will have to wait while a whole new generation of potential
leaders arises. But I had such hope for an enlightened administration
to make many things much better for the United States and the world.
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
7 time Emmy Award winning, 4 time Golden Mike Award winning, Talk Radio
Listen to interviews with Michael Jackson on KNX1070 AM
on Iraq, the Bush administration,
Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.