a time for reflection, an occasion for friends and family to gather
together and the one holiday embraced by all Americans - those of faith
and those who put no store in a God. When I pray, and I think this is
true with most people, it usually commences with the words "Please
God," followed by a hope for something positive in response...for
my family, myself, my nation and our world. I have no idea whether God
hears the message, but I do believe, perhaps simplistically, that prayer
works and that it is something other than imploring God. Prayer, be
it simply grace before a meal, or something we internalize, brings out
humility in each of us. It may even have a physiologically beneficial
influence on the body. I prayed at boarding school during World War
2, as a young child, and while others died, I survived, not because
I prayed, but it helped me deal with the situations I faced.
have prayed more this year concluding, than I have in many a year.
in my mind has been the health of my wife. It has been over a year since
she was stricken with a paralyzing stroke. Progress continues along
a painful and slow path. Her mind has returned to the way it was; she's
as sharp as ever and even more loving. The restoration of the body has
been slower. Just last month, for the first time since she became ill,
, she was able to walk about twenty yards in her therapy sessions. I
thank God for the continued recovery.
the Jacksons this year brought us our fourth grandchild. Today we are
expecting our fifth. Maybe today, more likely tomorrow, whenever she's
a year away from the microphone I found a new professional home at the
CBS powerhouse of a radio station, KNX.
that regard 2004 has been memorable. Counting one's blessings, I have
always believed (and appreciating them), frequently brings more blessings.
prayer this Thanksgiving, is for our nation's young men and women who
are serving with bravery and courage in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
May they return home, soon. May they come back to the lives they left
behind and be able to pick up where they left off. It will be tough
for them. So many were and are still, teenagers. They have had to kill
and face death, day in and day out.
