ere's a question many are pondering and in a recent journal I stated that I didn't think so; are we heading for a third world war?
I would very much like to read your thinking on the issue. I'd like, with your permission, to post your responses, long or short, on the website. There are many who characterize the Islamist conflicts and acts of terror in many parts of the world as the earliest stages of a third world war. What's your thinking?
Mel Gibson is a drunk and a bigot who, after speeding dangerously on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, (one of the most treacherous coastal roads) was stopped by the Sheriffs who patrol the area. He proceeded to be loudmouthed and rude to the arresting officers and explosively ant-Semitic. The Jews, he claimed, were responsible for all the wars in the world, etc. etc. Much of the press coverage deals with three points
a) Is his career over in Hollywood?
b) Was he treated as any other citizen in a like situation?
And c) Has he done enough to atone?
On the first point, no, his career is hardly touched. You may remember that when the film "The Passion of the Christ" was released many stated they would never work with him again. The picture has, thus far, grossed well over $600 million. This is a talented man with flaws and almost anyone would work with him. The second point is being investigated, but I really have my doubts that he would have been treated as nicely by the men in uniform had he been just a regular civilian. And the question "has he done enough to atone?" No, not yet. Thus far he has followed good PR advice; apologized with apparent sincerity and put himself in rehab. The Anti Defamation League called his apology "unremorseful and insufficient", but the Catholic League issued a statement supporting Mr. Gibson! What's to support? The Catholic League's statement contains the following, "Mel's enemies will never cut him a break. Their goal is to discredit "The Passion and the Christ". He's just another of the over-privileged who are insufficiently emotionally mature to live up to the responsibilities that accompany his phenomenal success and super screen talent.
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