his will, in all likelihood, be the shortest journal I have written, for I have no respect for the subject and nothing good to report about her. She is over-privileged, shrill, unappealing, pretentious, skuzzy and absolutely without taste, compassion or emotional maturity. She is a hairy hockey-stick who appears to believe that she is physically attractive by showing as much of her anorexic-like body as is possible in her every public appearance. I shan't mention her name for if you like her work, then I have insulted you. If you despise her and recognize about whom I am writing, then you will most likely agree with me that she doesn't deserve publicity for her latest diatribe against liberals and her personal attacks on widows of the 9/11 disaster, and others. What a frustrated, frigid person she appears to be.
I feel sure that I would not enjoy meeting her.