hen I arrived in California and became a United States citizen, back in the early '60's, the state was approaching the end of the so-called "Bracero" program. Under it, between 1942 and 1964, 4.6 million Mexicans were allowed to work here in agriculture. The reason given was that they would replace farm- hands who had gone off to support the war effort of WW2. Many of the workers stayed. During that same period over 5 million Mexican illegal-aliens were apprehended and returned across the border.
The current Senate proposal would allow some 400,000 low- and un-skilled guest workers into this country each year. The Senate argues that business needs a continuing flow of low-skilled immigrants to take the jobs that, so we are told, "Americans won't do."
Our president believes that we can curb illegal immigration by inviting in legal "guest workers." It didn't work before and it surely won't work in the future. The Christian Science Monitor in a thoughtful lead editorial concurs with those comments and added the following "If Congress provides 'earned' amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens already here, they can bring in family members. And if many of the proposed yearly guest workers stay and earn legal status, they too can add millions more." If the guest worker program isn't the solution, then what is? First this country should employ more of its low-skilled and jobless citizens, while considering whether it needs to import more highly skilled workers in select industries to keep the nation competitive globally.
In answer to the many who wonder whether the protestation by hundreds of thousands on May 1st was productive or worthwhile, the jury is still out. It surely brought more force to the conviction that there is need for radical reform of our immigrant issues.

A few days ago President Bush said, "As Iraqis continue to make progress toward a democracy that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself, more of our troops can come home." I wonder what he's smoking? Of course it would be wonderful, if feasible or realistic, but reports have it that many of our troops are becoming less trustful of their Iraqi counterparts. Part of their concern appears to be the possibility that many of the soldiers they are training are cooperating with the enemy.

There are still some 33% of Americans who firmly believe that the President has taken the correct course of action and that things are progressing as the President and Vice President contend.

Lieutenant General (retired) William Odom writes in the current issue of Foreign Policy magazine, "invading Iraq was not in the interests of the United States. It was in the interests of Iran and Al Qaeda, it made it easier to kill Americans." He added, "the war has paralyzed the United States in the world diplomatically and strategically."

The dumbest, simple idea forthcoming from the Republicans in the last few weeks surely has to be the GOP proposal to provide taxpayers with $100 rebates to make up for the higher fuel prices. The stupid idea has, for the most part, fallen on deaf ears on Capitol Hill, as it did with the public. The overall issue of fuel price increases looms ever larger in the upcoming mid-term elections. The Democrats approach is simply that ties between the oil industry and the Republicans have contributed to increasing prices at the pump. To their credit Republicans want to make certain that they encourage new refinery capacity and to outlaw price gouging. However, they have been too chummy and close to the oil industry and have emphasized tax breaks for producers of fossil fuels. Come November there will be so many hot issues for those seeking to win seats and control the House of Representatives .

I filled my gas tank this morning. It cost me $73!