ome more random thoughts. Mr. Cheney sir, Shot Happens. His handling of the aftermath of the shooting accident is so typical of the current White House. Now we have had two Bush presidencies where they had trouble with quail (or is it Quayle?).
Wouldn't you agree that Senator Hillary R. Clinton would make an excellent Sec. of State? Of course, that is not the office to which she aspires, but let us assume that she did not seek the presidency in '08, she would be even more qualified and experienced when 2012 rolls around. And she would still be young enough. The Democrats are so determined to win back the White House that it is very possible she'll not be backed by the party this time around and that a new face on the national scene will seek the office, with the assurance that Sen. Clinton would get a prize position in a Democratic party administration. Who might be the choice for chief executive? How about the former Gov .of the red-state, Mark Warner. And there'll be others in the running.
I found this in my doctor's waiting room. It comes from Cigar Oficionado and was written by P. J. O'Rourke, "if you say a modern celebrity is a pervert, and a drug addict, all it means is that you've read his autobiography."
Look for a book written by a man named Bruce Bartlet. He's a conservative author, an economist and former Reagan administration official. The title "Imposter," the sub-heading "How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy." He concludes that the relentless Bush effort to cut taxes will leave an unenviable legacy for a conservative - the need for America's largest tax increase. This is no 'liberal propaganda." Having served both Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush he was a supporter of the incumbent in 2000 and helped craft W's early tax cuts. Bartlet is a staunch Republican but he believes that Bill Clinton's budget was far better than Bush's. We now have the largest budget deficit in U.S history.
It's a fact, Clinton cut spending, abolished a federal entitlement program and left a budget surplus.