didn't find the following in our papers. It came out of a report from Frankfurt, Germany. I thought it powerful and significant enough to be on the front page. "China displaced the United States as the largest source of imports into the European Union last year. Until then, that was our leadership.
Here's a very brief story which was in the Financial Times and may very well have escaped your attention, I quote, "McDonalds, the home of the McMuffin, is fed up with being home of the McJob, a term which the U.K arm of the chain is campaigning to get British dictionaries to revise their definition of the word McJob. It's a term that the Oxford English Dictionary describes as "an un stimulating, low paid job with few prospects, especially one created by expansion of the service center." I like the reply from the parent company which claims that the term is out of date! - out of touch with reality and insulting." Of course, if you think about it, it might be accurate and certainly easy to understand.
It just occurred to me, while paging through some recent opinion polls about the diminished standing of and respect for the Presidency of George W Bush. Long after president Bill Clinton, the much hounded Democrat president left the White House, I would hear people from all walks of life saying, if only there were no limitations on the number of terms a person can serve as chief executive, he'd win again, hands down. I heard almost as many Republicans as Democrats making the same claim. As an afterthought, could you imagine the debates between B.C. and G.W.B?
From the war front; where is it, and who are the enemy combatants? It appears that in a growing number of instances they are the very people we are trying to help to, supposedly, take over the mending of their country and bring a resolve to the growing civil war. As an example, an incident at Kabala, just south of Baghdad. There are witnesses suggesting the attack on U.S. troops, in January, which killed 5 soldiers, received support from the Iraqi police. The army report claims the attack might well be a message that militias are able to circumvent security measures whenever they choose. Given the recent strategy of partnering ever closer with security forces, the infiltration poses extreme danger to American troops.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Harry Reid are pushing hard to end the very unpopular war in Iraq. I haven't come across a soul, recently who is gung -ho for it to continue. How about you? I'd love to hear
. It was only last fall that the Democrats took over the House leadership and the right wing has convinced itself that the party will pay for trying to conclude the hostilities; the dying and the warfare. But they must continue battling for that endgame. And yes, they care as much about the troops as the GOP. It is assumed by many that the Republicans will be able to paint the Democrats as giving up on our troops and on the war on terror. Not so, and I would remind those who feel that way that Democrats didn't suffer back in the 1970s for opposing Vietnam. If the Democrats are to win, then they have to convince the electorate that they will end the war, soon.
To borrow a Mel Gibson line,... On second thoughts, I shan't ...but I am thinking that way about Iran's leadership. Seizing 15 British seamen, as they did and taking them all the way to Teheran, was stupid beyond belief. Just as tensions are approaching boiling point between the West and Iran, who knows what spark could set off another war. The eight Royal Navy sailors and seven Royal Marines ere part of a task force that protects Iraqi oil terminals and maintains security in Iraqi waters - and this under authority of the U.N. Security Council. I hope that by the time you read this, all will have been resolved without physical conflict. Recently we have bolstered our naval presence in the Persian Gulf and with so much military hardware in the Gulf, a small incident could well escalate into a very dangerous confrontation. More coming soon,
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