nother day, another scandal; another day, another Dow-Jones record; another day another excuse from the White House for misleading us into the war in Iraq; another day and the Iraqi insurgency
grows; another day and Ramadan continues to see the explosion of death and destruction in Baghdad; another day and Republican angst about the mid-term elections, so few short weeks away, grows; another day and the latest book reaches the top ten list pointing fingers at members of the cabinet; another day and, another legislator will probably be "outed." These are politically ugly times.
There was a time, not that many years ago, when the voters in the "Red" states believed they were casting their ballot for the candidates who were closer to God; more moral, conservative, righteous, honorable and honest - I wonder how many believe that still.
Now our most respected former White House occupants look so much better informed and caring for the country's welfare and about mankind's future than their current counterparts: Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Madeline Albright.
I wish Gen Colin Powell had been a Democrat.
"October surprises" are not uncommon in US politics. It seems something always occurs prior to the November election day that causes candidates and politicians to panic. For the first time in a decade it is really possible that the Democrats will regain control of the House, and maybe, just maybe, the Senate.
As the Financial Times put it in the heading to a recent editorial, "Sex and war could tip balance for US voters." Bush faces a really tough contest on values and national security.
Speaking of the President, earlier this week Air Force One landed at 4.50 pm at LAX. Can you think of a worse time to confuse and strangle the commuting traffic? Mr. Bush was to spend a few short hours at a private residence in Bel Air to raise funds for Republican candidates. Traffic was controlled on the West side of Los Angeles by the largest deployment of the L.A.P.D. that I can remember seeing. Dozens of roads were closed. Traffic delayed - all to raise money for the GOP. I wonder what percentage of the costs for this were reimbursed by the GOP. I wonder what percentage of the expenses of bringing in the presidential entourage on the 747 were covered by all of us, taxpayers.