he more they hate him around the world, the higher grows his popularity at home; or so it seems. It doesn't appear to faze his supporters and opponents alike that the lower his approval rating in the rest of the world, the more he gains support at home. Crazy? Of course, but that’s what the polls are showing at home. President Bush benefits from the grandstanding insults of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez and Iran’s president, Ahmadi-Nejad. Our chief executive is currently enjoying his best week in months with a significant bounce in his approval ratings. The first since Hurricane Katrina struck the east coast more than a year ago.
There are just six weeks to go before the highly important congressional elections. It was only a few weeks ago that the Democrats had a double digit point lead over the Republicans seeking election to Congress. Now there is virtually no lead at all – they are neck and neck.
Many of the Republican candidates are separating themselves from the president on the campaign trail, but, who knows, his improving numbers might entice many to be more open to his campaign support.
The war in Iraq is becoming ever more unpopular and so the Republican administration has managed to refocus on "The war on terror,” generally. It helps his standing, but probably not as much as the decline in oil prices. Falling gas prices have arrived at the perfect time for Mr.Bush.
In California the campaign for the Governor’s office appears to be over before it has begun. The Democrat’s choice, Phil Angelides, hasn't a snowball’s hope of winning.
Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger can count on a further four years in office in this largely Democrat registered state. But that is not representative of gubernatorial races elsewhere. It is very possible that the Democrats will be residing in the majority of Governor’s mansions.
Following Al Gore’s defeat by George W. Bush in that extremely controversial election in 2000, he hit the lecture circuit, where he introduced himself as “the man who used to be the next president of the United States.” What goes around comes around: he is currently standing second to Sen Hillary Clinton as the preferred candidate for 2008. He may not be saying that he’s wanting to make it to the Oval office, but if you have seen his film; the documentary on global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth,” I don’t think there is any doubt that the former Vice President is readying for the political fight of his life. And he might succeed... again… this time!

Here’s to a happy autumn,