television interviews be fascinating if more guests were like the
hyper-active, very talented, passionate fellow, Tom Cruise. At a
party last night much of the conversation dealt with a clash of words
on the Today show between host, Matt Lauer, and the film star guest.
Cruise was ostensibly there to plug
current film, War of the Worlds. I shouldn't think his publicists
would be happy by the performance, but the audience was. Has Cruise,
now desperately in love again, flipped, gone bonkers, or is he just
being refreshingly obnoxious? Possibly some of each. The New York
Times put his performance this way, "Mr. Cruise seemed unbound,
even a little unsound." Morning talk shows are so heavily scripted
and Matt was easily out ad-libbed and debated by his guest, who took
him to task on the subject of Ritalin and psychiatry. The Times summed
up the current Cruise news by adding "his over the top declarations
of love may look to some like a publicity stunt, but there was nothing
self-serving or career-enhancing about his rant with Mr. Lauer." The
usually affable Tom Cruise we've all grown to expect was nowhere
present and that alone made it a worthwhile show. I wonder what comes
next. Might he appear with me on KNX? Who knows.
don't have all the facts about the Oprah story out of Paris, last week,
but what I've heard and read from respected sources, it would
appear that the event was a storm in a demi-tasse. A close friend of
TV's super star described what happened at Hermes as the most humiliating
event in Oprah's life! I doubt it, but I do hope so, because if not
being admitted into the famed store, well after closing time, was the
worst that has happened to her, then she has
a charmed and unreal life. Not only was the store closed it was
being set-up for a private event. Oprah can and does do a lot of good
for many people and causes in this world, but the apparent petulance
that her privileged position and enormous wealth did not get her admission
into Hermes has nothing to do with racism or bigotry. They knew who
she was and her stature would normally gain her entree anywhere, anytime...but
not this time. Case closed, I hope, unless there is something yet to
be revealed. I doubt it. Sometimes we trip over our egos.
president's popularity is dropping. His handling of the war
in Iraq is becoming more and more criticized and scrutinized.
Even some of his own Republican Senators are complaining and
calling for some assurance that there'll be an end to the death
and carnage. The president remains optimistic. During the past
few days one of our top generals said that the insurgency,
far from diminishing, is actually growing. I would so respect
the opportunity to sit face to face with the Chief Executive
to ask him whether he thought that the war had gone as planned
and that it was continuing according to plan. What plan?
he possibly look me in the eye and say that this war has made
the world safer in the struggle against terrorism. Or the United
States, are we safer?
may have heard the crude and irresponsible comments of Carl Rove last
week. He said that conservatives and liberals
different reactions to 9/11. In part Rove said, "Conservatives
saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war; liberals
saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments
and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." He added,
Liberals saw what happened to us and said, "we must understand
our enemies."
Rove, you should resign if that is your understanding of what happened.
Trying to divide this country for political gain is an insult to us
all. Not your first. I wonder if the President feels the same way.