network news yesterday I realized how "happy talk" is still,
apparently, needed to enthuse and hold an audience. After reporting
briefly on the tragedy of the day in Iraq, which included five more
American men felled in action and the death of dozens of Iraqis,
the quick-to-smile anchor said, "But there is also good news
from that country. An Australian reporter, held hostage, has been
there are, at last, a growing number of Republican
Senators and Congressmen calling for the start of troop
withdrawals but not for well over a year from now.
And who can foretell what the situation will be a year
from now? Don't hear much mention of the role of the "coalition
forces" these days. And the American public is
growing saddened by the loss of lives and the thousands
of injured American troops coming home. Last poll I
read showed that now only some 47% approve of what
we're doing.
the question is still there ...asked by those of the left and right
...liberal and conservative ...Republican and Democrat; what, was the
reason for the war? Can the goal be achieved? Is it attainable?
I wish that Colin Powell was still in office. His doctrine of overwhelming
force is part of what is missing. Donald Rumsfeld has been a disaster,
starting with the whole misbegotten idea of invading Iraq. Maybe one
day we'll learn what it was that convinced President Bush, and his
crew, including Cheney, Rice, Rove et al how we could achieved the
stated aims without the necessary manpower.
this time we don't even have an ambassador in Afghanistan, Jordan and
Iraq, though word has it that a donation to the Republican leadership
of between $100,000 to a quarter million dollars could qualify you.
are not winning this war and Democrats should be ashamed for not being
more vocal. I understand why, because they are fearful of being labeled
as "un American" ...or "Unpatriotic." Let us not
forget that initially a very large percentage of them were against
the conflict.
the TV news, so little time is given to the issue. There is greater
appeal, it appears, in the verdict in the Michael Jackson case. Fortunately
yesterday afternoon's California earthquake forced Jackson off the
front pages for a while.
are training thousands of Iraqi troops but they are having a rough
time being successful in their quest to quell the insurgent forces.
I wonder how long it might be before the various key communities in
Iraq start preparing their own militias. I don't see much evidence
as yet of the various communities building a democratic Iraq.
wife and I returned two days ago from a couple of weeks
in Spain, Portugal, France - we did not have conversation
with a single person (with the exception of a Basque taxi-driver)
who respected our president. Mr. President, do you feel
you are enhancing America's standing in this world.