The Big Question
couple of days ago a man died here in Los Angeles who for decades
was involved with the entertainment world. He never struck me as a
particularly ambitious man, but his smiling presence was always welcomed,
when he worked to advance the careers of others with whom he worked.
I met Jack Rourke shortly after I arrived in this city and we worked
together at Channel 13, KCOP, in the days when it was a thriving,
bustling, independent station. For a couple of years in the late '60s
he produced a show which I hosted called "The Big Question."
He never explained what the title meant, he just said "stick
with me, kid, it'll work." It did, largely because of his constant
enthusiasm and optimism. With his guidance it earned me my first Emmy.
I shall always remember him most fondly.
recently been chastised, fairly, by correspondents for not spending
as much time on the website as in the past. The reason is simply that
I have been so wrapped up in my work at the CBS station, KNX, doing
interviews that are being aired throughout the day and even repeated
at night, that I have been a bit negligent. I shall try and improve!
Funny exchange last week when I had one of the senior members of the
Bush/Cheney reelection campaign on microphone with me.
"Is the reason that the GOP and the President and Veep are spending
no time here in the Golden State, because you know California is for
Kerry/Edwards?" Him: a mumbled..."Yes." Me: Does the same apply to the state of New York." Him: Mumbled, "Yes." Me: "Well, what is it that makes California
and New York so bright and right on?" Him: (This is almost verbatim) "Well California
is often in the vanguard of change....(Then he caught himself and
said...) But that isn't the case this time." Wanna
that keeps going through my mind about this election, which according
to all pollsters is a neck-and-neck affair, is that we could once
again end up with a bitterly contested outcome. If the results in
2000 were bizarre, and they were, isn't it sad that we are faced with
a similar prospect because, frankly, there has been no real reform
of our system in the intervening four years. Why were changes not
made after the last election? I can well understand the concerns of
our leaders back in the 18th century - the electoral college (wherein
each state gets a number of electors equal to its Senate and House
delegations), was a realistic filter between the people who elect
it and the president whom it elects. Times have changed and to borrow
a line from a Financial Times editorial, "Is the US election
system a threat to its democracy?" Maybe yes, if we can't find
a way to make all of America's votes count.
about the latest endorsements for President Bush (Oh, how I would
love the opportunity to ask the Chief Executive how he reacts to the
support he's been given). On Monday President Putin of Russia came
out strongly for the re-election of President Bush and the next day,
the head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Hasan Rowhani,
stated that Mr.Bush was the choice of his people for re-election.
As Associated Press stated. Iran "has a history of preferring
Republicans over Democrats, who tend to press human rights issues."
it amazing that Iran presses on with its construction of nuclear weaponry,
undaunted by the proximity of American forces waging war in neighboring
Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn't it strange that North Korea appears to
be equally undeterred in its quest for "weapons of mass destruction."
Could the reason possibly be, in both cases, because they have seen
how bogged down we are in Iraq. Maybe they feel that we will go no
further and that major nations no longer have the stomached or a strong
enough coalition to act militarily. Now is the time to reach a diplomatic
agreement with Iran and, thank God, Britain, Germany and France are
already trying to do just that and we, wisely, are keeping out of
the way for a while. If the effort fails then it would seem most likely
that the Europeans would join with us and the UN Security Council
in seeking tough economic sanctions and whatever else it might take
to end Iran's nuclear threat.
is a story circulating that claims we know almost exactly where Bin
Laden is - he is supposedly hiding in Pakistan in South Waziristan
in the Baluchistan Mountains. (I don't know the zip code). The source
of the story is a man with all the right credentials. It's John Lehman
a member in good standing of the 9-11 commission. According to him
( the Sec. of State, Colin Powell has almost made the same claim),
"There is an American presence in the area, but we just can't
send in troops. If we did, we could have another Vietnam, and the
United States cannot afford that right now." According to Mr.Lehman,
who was the former secretary of the Navy under President Reagan, "We'll
get Bin Laden eventually, but not now." If
only the president had not gone to war with Iraq, but instead had
truly concentrated on terrorism we might well have cut of Bin Laden's
money supplies from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. We
have strange friends.
days, and counting. Maybe
we'll see moving vans at the White House.
started this lengthy journal report with a mention of the people
who have been my guests, on the air, at KNX in Los Angeles. Let
me run through just a sampling of the names in the hope that you'll
make the station part of your listening.
Walter Cronkite
Sen.Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Edwards
Norman Lear,
Ralph Nader,
Julie Andrews
Eunice Shriver
Ted Koppel
Larry King
Bill Moyers
Don Rickles to name a few.
week is likely to inclde Former president BillClinton, Gore Vidal,
Sen.Elizabeth Dole, Sen.John McCain Mel Brooks and many more.
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
7 time Emmy Award winning, 4 time Golden Mike Award winning, Talk Radio
Listen to comments from Michael Jackson
on Iraq, the Bush administration,
Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.