Bush has claimed, on more than one occasion, that he has
not seen the first of the gutter-level commercials being
played with considerable frequency on television nationwide,
attacking the military record of Sen.John Kerry. I find
that extremely hard to believe, but then, I must remember
that this is a president who, by his own admission, does
not read newspapers. The advertisement, produced by the
group calling themselves "Swift Boat Veterans for
Truth" is a lie from start to finish, as has been
pointed out very clearly, not only by the candidate himself,
but in newspaper investigations. (The best of which have
been in the New York Times and the Washington Post). On
this subject I know the first question I would pose to
the President given the unlikely opportunity, (and believe
me I have made many an approach to the White House for
such a privilege). It would simply be, "Mr. President
would you directly endorse this commercial and the second
one that is about to be unleashed on the nation's TV screens
by saying, "My name is George Bush and I endorse
this message". What do you think would be his answer? Now,
the Bush campaign has said that it is not supporting the
ads attacking the Senator's military record and, in fact,
they have released a statement saying "The Bush campaign
has never and will never question John Kerry's service
in Vietnam". Then why won't they directly condemn
these people who put so much effort into besmirching the
candidate's reputation. Could it be, in part, because
they know that it works (He did a good job attacking John
McCain's military background and experience when they
were competing against each other four years ago). And,
perhaps it is because the money supporting these attack
ads come from people with close Bush family ties. One
is Bob Perry, a very wealth Texas-based Republican donor
and an associate of the chief Bush political advisor,
Karl Rove. How
very sad it is that the band of critics, most of whom
were utterly supportive of Sen. Kerry's service and heroism
as recently as a year ago, has managed to catapult itself
to the forefront of the presidential campaign. Right wing
radio is relishing the venom - it suits their agenda.
It is a nothing story from decades ago that tells us nothing
of a positive nature about the incumbent who wants a further
four years in the White House and just distorts the facts
and advances the campaign not one inch. On
close examination, the stories told by the "Swift
Boat Veterans for Truth prove to be filled with inaccuracies
and inconsistencies. In several cases, material offered
by this band of men, as proof against Kerry, has been
undercut by the official Navy records and the men's own
earlier statements.
Accompanying these commercials is a book titled "Unfit
for command:Swift boat veterans speak out against Kerry".
It is published by a conservative company called Regnery,
which has also published several books critical of Democrats
and co-written by a man named Jerome R. Corsi, identified
on the cover as a Harvard PhD. He is also the contributor
of several anti-Muslim, anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic
comments to a right-wing Web site. He has recently stated
that he regretted those comments. I'm sure he does - he's
been revealed for what he is.
loved the reaction from the Kerry camp to the news that
the keynote speaker at the Republican convention is to
be the Democrat Senator (Democrat in name only), Zell
Miller of Georgia. Sen. Miller might remember that he
referred to Sen. Kerry as "an authentic hero"
who has worked to "strengthen our military".
The Kerry campaign mocked the choice of Miller, referring
to those earlier words of praise for the Massachusetts
senator and saying that they are thrilled the Republicans
would select someone who had had such words of high praise
for the challenger.
a personal note ...I despise the Bush campaign's attempt
to use and manipulate Olympic patriotism to their political
advantage. A recent Bush ad features swimmers at the Athens
Olympics, while the voice notes that, thanks to George
Bush and his actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, "this
Olympics, there will be two more free nations - and two
fewer terrorist regimes".
you President Bush for making this a safer world.
you sir, for bringing us together: uniting and not dividing
you for the "Mission accomplished"
you for making such advances in education.
you for giving the tax breaks to those who least need
you for leaving no child behind
you for your modest foreign policy and the concept of
preemptive-strikes (Iran is the most recent nation to
speak up about possibly adopting that approach ...hitting
first any nation that might want to destroy their nuclear
you for solidifying our role in the world and for the
added stature we have in the eyes of erstwhile allies.
Democrats, don't let him have another four years...Give
him a chance to return to Crawford, Texas and build his
memorial library. So many books have already been written
about the man and his administration while he's still in
office - I'd guess or estimate that 90% of them have been
extremely critical. I wonder if any of them will show up
on the shelves of the George W. library!
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
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