at the studio asked me if there was anything that Ralph
Nader had not been questioned about during his campaign
for the presidency. Frankly there is a great deal to concentrate
on that takes us way beyond whether or not the Republicans
are financing him in the hope that he'll win away a large
number of Democrats. And that is why I am hoping and expecting
to be interviewing him within the next couple of weeks.
Nader, the master of the controversial, has now taken
on the respected ADL (The anti-defamation league). He's
involved in quite an ugly exchange with the Jewish organization,
since he suggested that President Bush and Congress were
"puppets" of the Israeli government. I'd really
enjoy probing his logic and reasoning. Mr. Nader your
depiction of Israel as the puppeteer controlling the powerful
United States Congress and the White House, smacks of
bigotry and age-old stereotypes. I
can remember conversations...some heated...with candidate
Nader, before the 2000 presidential election. One of the
approaches he took then was that there was hardly a difference
between the two parties or their candidates. I don't believe
I have met a single solitary American who believes that
whether it is Bush or Kerry in the office, that they would
be at all alike in how they would attempt to run the country.
Ralph, if it should come to pass that you became the chief
executive, what would you hope to achieve in the first
100 days?
of upcoming interviews ...there re so many planned and
promised and one of them will be a conversation with a
man famed for biting the land that feeds him; we hope
to be having discussion with Gore Vidal from his home
on the Adriatic coast of Italy. His current take on our
election? Politician, author, playwright, curmudgeon,
critic, cynic (almost any descriptive word will do)...has
said that we are living in the United States of Amnesia
and "for the busy fanatics who rule over us...we
are permanently the United States of Amnesia...we learn
nothing, because we remember nothing". He views himself
as a "noble defender" of the American republic
...Republic with a small "r".
you've been listening and managed to discover the conversations
I've been having throughout the day and night on KNX,
you will, I hope, have realized that I'm having a good
time at this station. I've
just received a call from "a source" at the
Los Angeles Times who told me that there will be a story
in tomorrow (Friday, August 20th's) edition of the Times
about me...On the other hand one can easily be "bounced"
by a typhoon, hurricane, celebrity murder, another "the
other Michael Jackson story" ; you know the litany.
if I could sit down this very evening for conversation
with any member of Congress, I'd choose a senior Republican
who, in the final days of his House career, has really
broken with his party. The man is Rep.Doug Bereuter from
Nebraska who is completing 13 terms in office. He claims
that the U.S. military's assault on Iraq was unjustified
and that the situation now has deteriorated into, "a
dangerous, costly mess". I wonder how many others
of either party feel that way, but leave the words unspoken. This
gentleman is a senior member of the House International
Relations Committee and vice chairman of the House intelligence
committee. He said publicly, "I've reached the conclusion,
retrospectively,now that the inadequate intelligence and
faulty conclusions are being revealed, that all things
being considered, it was a mistake to launch that military
action". He has gone a step further, adding."Left
unresolved for now is whether intelligence was intentionally
misconstrued to justify military action". What do
you think?
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
7 time Emmy Award winning, 4 time Golden Mike Award winning, Talk Radio
Listen to comments from Michael Jackson
on Iraq, the Bush administration,
Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.