Courage and Convictions

August 17, 2004

'm with Senator John McCain in his reaction to the putrid anti Sen. Kerry campaign commercial being aired nationwide, attacking his war record. The Arizonan Republican, whose service to country could never be challenged or belittled, has put partisan politics aside and condemned those who have attempted to damage the character of the Democratic party presidential candidate by belittling Kerry's Vietnam war decorations won for his service to this country - volunteered service. They have challenged his having been honored with three purple hearts. You don't simply fill in a form for a Silver Star or a Bronze Star - you earn them. To suggest that they could be easily and undeservedly won is to belittle and insult the man's courage and that of so many others who have served this country with honor. I would like to hear the president and the vice president specifically condemn the commercial and call for its removal from further broadcasts.
There are still many long weeks until November third and it seems most likely that the tone of the attack commercials, utilized by both sides, will become less and less relevant and more and more insulting to us well as the candidates. We should have some semblance of civility in this campaign and it would certainly help us vote with conviction and respect for the candidate of our choice.

One man's guess...and it's nothing more than that. Have you noticed how the former New York mayor is being utilized by the Republican presidential team? Just days before the convention in his hometown he is, more and more, emerging as a central player in the Bush re-election endeavor. He's traveling around the country campaigning and rather directly using the events of September 11 in ways that neither the president nor his closest allies have tried. You may have heard his much repeated "Rudyism" - "I don't need Michael Moore to tell me about 9/11." He is absolutely correct when he claims that the terrorist attack was "the single most significant event that has happened in the last four years, and is maybe one of the most important events in our history." He went on to say, "So it has to be an issue in the election. Not discussing it would be like an election for Abraham Lincoln and not discussing the Civil War."
The Bush ticket can only gain from his enthusiastic support and it might go a long way to giving the ticket a somewhat less right-wing conservative look. No, I know he's not part of the ticket...yet.
Maybe he's laying the groundwork for a future presidential bid of his own...Or, is it possible that he'll one day soon be the Vice President. Just one man's guess.

Giuliani, like Sen. McCain, has never been shy to say exactly how he feels and what he believes. Some in his party may not like it, but the former Mayor has said very clearly that Sen. Kerry, having been elected to the United States Senate four times, along with his war record, makes him "absolutely" qualified to be president. He added, "It would be a terrible mistake for the Republican side to argue that he is not qualified." Beyond that, on the big issues that face this country Mayor Giuliani and President Bush walk lockstep.

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August 17, 2004

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