he French of yesteryear had an expression that came to mind this morning; "Go slowly, I'm in a hurry". I arose early, did some work and realized that I had far too much scheduled for this Tuesday morning. Then, I turned on the TV, just in time to see the motorcade for the late Michael Jackson arriving at Forest Lawn cemetery. From that moment and for fully three hours or more I was glued to the screen. What a polished, heartfelt, talent-filled tribute to the King of Pop, which was performed before an enormous audience; the Staples Center, the Nokia theater in Los Angeles packed with fans. TV and radio stations around the world watched and paid tribute. The production which could only have been assembled in the brief few days ,since his untimely demise, was polished, respectful, enlightening and love-filled. I missed out on three appointments today and I gained an added and renewed respect for the man/child's talent. He, had he the time, could easily have written the melody, worked on the words and choreographed a dance for "Go slowly, I'm in a hurry".
Michael J, Rest in peace,
Michael J.