've just returned from a week away, skiing in the mountains of Utah. A return visit to Park City with a focus on the neighboring slopes of Deer Valley. It was as close to perfect as nature offers and the best of mankind's ingenuity; combining perfect snow, wonderful grooming, swift lifts and a hotel of such comfort as to spoil me for almost anywhere else.
Michael, his Son Devon, and Devon's girl friend Lily
and other scenes from Stein Eriksen.
The runs were extremely long and the way down was freeway wide. The staff at the hotel and at the lifts were youngsters who sign up for the season and come from all over the world; I met Brazilians, Australians, Brits, Canadians, Argentinians - almost a United Nations of friendly young faces who view the world as we all should; one place. The hotel was named for the great Norwegian Olympic skier of times past, Stein Eriksen. He's 80 if he's a day, but he's out there almost every day skiing with superb style. The Stein Eriksen lodge is memorable for its comfort, food and service. When you go to ski, your boots are heated and your skis have been waxed. The food is the finest, their elegant dining room most inviting. A little later when I've had more time to think about the truly outstanding accommodations and facilities, I'll write further ,about this one ski haven which does not permit snowboarders and controls the number of people who may be on the hills at any one time. I once had to wait nearly thirty seconds to get on a quad lift! (but usually it takes far less time than that). In such a setting, despite reading a stack of papers each day, the news of the pain and suffering of this world, feels remote. It isn't, of course, and I return to be ever more angered by our President. It may appear superficial to say this, but I wonder whether you would concur: When Mr. Bush delivered the speech the other evening, outlining the future plans for continuing the warfare in Iraq, it was delivered by, seemingly, an automaton; no anger, no passion, no personality, no sound of conviction. Is he listening to the American public? It doesn't appear so. Is GWB concerned about the world's reaction? For sure, not! "The Surge" as he calls it will involve another 20 thousand troops, some serving a third term in Iraq. What does he expect to achieve, eventually? Surely not what he espoused until quite recently; then he spoke of a democratic state. We are involved in a civil war that our presence has exacerbated. This is Iraq's last chance. Whether our involvement initially was right or wrong (and I have always believed that there was no acceptable reason for it), it is America's war. Sad to say if we broke it... we must fix it, Bush has said that our largesse or our involvement would not be open-ended but as he has also said, it will be up to the next president to end it all. We, as a nation, have lost confidence in the president's Iraq policy yet we elected him to two full terms as president. This "New Way Forward" is the last chance to salvage the situation in Iraq, before leaving the war torn land, just as the country found itself in the morass that became the Vietnam War.
The Iraqi government must do the seemingly impossible... and do it soon... take control! The Iraq Study Group got it right when they wrote that Iraq "is grave and deteriorating". A message to Democrats on Capitol Hill; you have the power to stop the war any day you want. Should it desire to do so Congress can pass a law that says the President may not send more troops. It can limit the length of tours of duty. It could legislate a deadline for withdrawal and much more. They have the right and the power. Lest we forget the Constitution asserts that the war power belongs to them alone. Article One gives the Legislative branch the sole right to declare war, also puts it in charge of funding and regulating the armed forces. You'd never know it with the Bush/Cheney team.
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