week a large group of nations took an important though modest step in
addressing the concern that motor vehicles, factories and other developments
are altering this world's climate in potentially dangerous ways. We
now have in effect The Kyoto
Protocol, which commits 35 industrialized nations to reduce the emissions
of six so-called "greenhouse gases," that trap heat in the
earth's atmosphere, by 5 percent less than 1990 levels. When we speak
of "greenhouse gasses," we mean, principally, carbon dioxide. Thus
far Kyoto has not lived up to its promise and it should never have taken
this long to come into force. Kyoto suffers from the absence of the
United States, for we are, by far, the world's largest emitter. President
Bush has certainly been no help as he has pursued a do-nothing climate
policy of very little research and very little action. He has ignored
alarm bells from the EPA, the Pentagon, The National Academy of Sciences
and many other expert groups. One
of my special guests this week was Laurie David, wife of Larry David
co-creator of Seinfeld and star of "Curb Your Enthusiasm."
She has had a highly successful career in television and now has become
known as one of the most effective of Hollywood-based eco-crusaders.
She's a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council and co-founder
of the not-for-profit Detroit Project, which is aimed at pressuring
automakers to produce fuel-efficient cars. Our
meeting, though quite brief, covered many questions. She is never shy
to be outspoken. When
I pointed out that the famed novelist, Michael Crichton, (his current
work "State of Fear") took a very skeptical view of global
warming, she immediately pounced on my words and asked me not to plug
his book, which she considered dumb and dangerous. She is correct. Crichton
claims that Global Warming is the creation of environmental groups looking
to make money and become famous. That is such nonsense. Dr.Crichton,
global warming is real and impacting the world's climate. The arctic
ice-sheet has been reduced by fully 20% since 1979. But he knows that
and he knows a lot more. I look forward to my next opportunity to pose
many questions to the distinguished author. Eight years of work brought
together 141 nations for a collective response to something they consider
to be very real and potentially extremely dangerous to our fragile ecology.
With Hollywood and the environment in mind I think there have been a
handful of most successful and effective motion pictures which have
explored various aspects of the environmental degradation we live with
and face in the future; Erin Brockovich... The Day After... Silkwood.
I really think they have made an impact on our national attitude towards
environmental issues. Quoting
Laurie David, "Everybody should have the right to clean air and
clean water...just as they should have the right to affordable healthcare
and racial equality. What's more basic than healthcare. One in four
back kids in Harlem has asthma because of pollution. Now that's a civil
rights issue."
Thank you Laurie.
in summation, as the world is celebrating the global warming pact's debut,
our President continues to pander to the energy industry. The
rules that apply to the rest of the world, our administration is saying,
in effect, need not apply to us. International agreements - whether they
involve the International Criminal Court, the Geneva accords, or the Kyoto
Protocol, should not be allowed to bind the hands of the world's most
powerful nation. Isn't
this the time when the world needs more and more international agreement? Laurie
said that the administration's snubbing Kyoto is our monumental shame.
To which I'd add The Kyoto Accord is certainly no cure-all but it is a
most significant first step.
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