wish this year goes to the men and women of our armed forces stationed
in bases around the globe and locked in continuing battle in Iraq and
Afghanistan. My prayer is for their safety and a speedy return to their
loved ones, stateside. How strange, disconcerting and fearful it must
be to be at war where everywhere is the front line... everywhere and
This week many were killed and maimed while lunching in what might have
been considered a safe haven. There are no safe havens in such a conflict.
Did you see the picture that ran on the front page of many a newspaper,
that showed a group of Iraqi gunmen, in broad daylight and without masks,
murdering two Iraqi election workers? One of the victims was kneeling,
his arms behind his back, waiting to be shot in the head. He was shot,
and his colleague waited and watched until he, in turn, was slaughtered?
And we believe that these actions will be curtailed sufficiently to
permit an election at January's end!
is possible that we will lose this war if the insurgents increase and
multiply. It could happen because of Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld's,
Vice President Dick Cheney and President Bush's management of the conflict.
The leader described the situation best, this week, is British Prime
Minister Tony Blair, who said, "Whatever people's feelings or beliefs
about the removal of Saddam Hussein and the wisdom of that, there surely
is only one side to be on in what is now very clearly a battle between
democracy and terror." There are many in Iraq who desperately want
to make the democratic process work and there are, too, those who are
killing willy-nilly, desperately trying to impede the prospect of a
better future for that country.
this war, it didn't have to happen. Of course the world and Iraq are
better off without the dictator. Remember, we supported that corrupt
and evil man for as many years as it suited us. Maybe there will be
an election as scheduled, and it is just possible that the result will
be what I spoke of in this journal half a year ago - an Iranian like
Christmas to those who serve us and a happier New Year.
a lighter note, this afternoon I recorded a broadcast with Leonardo
diCaprio. Seems like a very pleasant person. His current role is as
Howard Hughes in the picture The Aviator. He spoke of the large number
of World War One aircraft that they needed to assemble to recreate the
battle scenes. They acquired 6 Fokker D7's! To which I responded..."Then
why didn't you call the film 'Meet the Fokkers"!
I have been naughty and nice.