debates; two for the presidential candidates and one for the vice presidential
challengers. The score: Democrats 3, Republicans 0. Just one to go,
next Wednesday, between Bush and Kerry. 28 days of the campaign remain
and unless either of the candidates completely fails in the final encounter,
the outcome of the election will most likely be decided, not so much
on the frantic pace of the campaigning as it continues, but more likely
on the ferocity of the commercials on television. Not so much on the
President and the Senator's appearances, but on the overall campaign
staff's performance: how well organized the Republican and Democratic
teams are during these final weeks. And then there's the completely
unknown element, terrorism. Would a disaster at home or abroad strengthen
or weaken the incumbent? We just don't know. I
pray nothing happens and that on the battlefields of Iraq we stifle
the violence and the terrorists. And while I'm praying, I do hope that
we can make a fresh start on November 3rd. Can you just imagine what
our world would be like with four more years of the Bush doctrine and
the Bush administration? If we continue with an administration that
loses jobs, encourages "outsourcing", advocates preemptive
wars, divides and polarizes this country, gives tax breaks to those
who least need them...and the litany could go on and different
this country will be. More
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
7 time Emmy Award winning, 4 time Golden Mike Award winning, Talk Radio
Listen to comments from Michael Jackson
on Iraq, the Bush administration,
Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.