read today, with some sadness, that an old colleague and
friend of mine had decided to retire. He'd made the decision
once before, expecting to take it easy on his boat, forever.
It wasn't to be, KABC called him back into service as
the lead personality on that station's morning show. I
knew him well for a quarter century of that time as we
worked together to boost the ratings and make a name for
ourselves. We had a very good time...he hosting the morning
drive-time, I hosting mid-mornings. I think I can say
with honesty that we never had a crossed word or disagreement
between us all that while. Together we watched and helped
the station become a powerhouse. Now I have absolutely
no reason to listen to the ABC station in L. A. Management
was never able to pressure or change Ken Minyard's professionalism
- He has always had an innate ability to entertain and
inform. He has always had the sharpest wit and, beyond
that, a fine mind, politically at odds with much that
his station now stands for. But, he has always managed
to survive. I'm
glad he has his star on the Walk of Fame - it is well-deserved. He
said in his public statement that he just wanted to get
some sleep. Commuting two-and-a-half hours each day and
working such horrendous hours takes its toll. Now he can
get that hip of his fixed; now he can take time for himself
and his family; now he'll be master of his own yacht and
fate. Now, perhaps, we can catch up on memories of so
many good times. Ken
Minyard, I hope that one day soon you are inducted into
the Radio Hall of Fame. It would be most fitting.
From a fan,friend and colleague ...congratulations,
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
7 time Emmy Award winning, 4 time Golden Mike Award winning, Talk Radio
Listen to comments from Michael Jackson
on Iraq, the Bush administration,
Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.