too long ago a man named Zell Miller, who just this week
had his final fleeting moments of fame as the featured
speaker at the Republican convention, said the following
about the Democratic challenger..In calling Sen. Kerry"one
of this nation's authentic heroes...and greatest leaders
- and a good friend", he said that John Kerry "worked
to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost
the economy and protect the environment." Either
the Georgia Senator, who got the job when the incumbent
died, is a perspicacious judge of the candidate's ability...or
a bloody liar. You know which is which. And the Republicans
know as well, but it works well for them and suits their
cause, as does the continuing energy and time- consuming
series of commercials by the Swift Boat crewmen who have
so many ties with the Oval office. But that's how they
work; let others do the dirty work with slashing attacks
and have the leader attempt to be above the fray. This
convention and the whole campaign is attempting to portray
Mr. Kerry as a closet leftist. Mr.Bush attempting to clothe
himself in centrist clothing is nonsensical...about as
inaccurate as the Republicans trying so hard this week
to cloak one of the most conservative presidents of modern
times in the dress of moderation. They know that they
already have the right wing vote (they have nowhere else
to go), so they put in prime time the more moderating
images of Sen. John McCain and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Guess what, if the Republicans win you get no Arnold or
John McCain, you get John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul
Wolfowitz etc...and George W. Bush. One
example of the misdirecting we are hearing from the GOP,
in contrast to Bill Clinton's ambitious attempt to reform
health care, which would have increased federal control,
Kerry's plan is more modest and has government picking
up the bills for the sickest of patients and the least
able to afford. That's not the way the White House tells
it; you'd swear that Kerry was aiming to turn ours into
a system of socialized medicine. Again,
this week's most conservative speaker is a sham and not
even a Republican. Democrat Zell Miller of Georgia was
the man who gave the keynote address for the Democrats
when they nominated Bill Clinton in 1992. Final
note...The Twins! Barbara and Jenna were awful and out
of place even at that convention. Did the Bush daughters
write that trite and tasteless material? Word has it that
Karen Hughes, that most trusted of presidential aides,
wrote the speech. I'll take the maturity of the Kerry
daughters and the reserved approach of Chelsea Clinton
any time. As one critic wrote in the New York Times, "the
only way the speech could have been more lame was if they
had been triplets." But you know something, I don't
care at all about the children of public figures! Soon
the conventions will be behind us and, God willing, the
Kerry/Edwards ticket will be able to tell us more, inspire
a greater following...do a better job of campaigning,
or we'll likely end up with four more years of...declining
employment...other wars...more ultra conservative judges
on the Supreme Court...greater influence of the Neocons...more
people living below the poverty line...a further decline
in respect for the United States, the greatest nation
in the world...and more.
Michael Jackson Talk Radio
Official site of 2003 Radio Hall of Fame inductee,
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Corporate Criminals, the Economy, and the up coming 2004 election.